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Note to Faculty/Staff

Dear UC Merced Faculty and Staff:

The Common Read Project at UC Merced is sponsored by The Office of Undergraduate Education, The Merritt Writing Program, The UC Merced Center for the Humanities, Core 1: The World at Home, The Office of Student Life, and The Faculty of UC Merced. It is coordinated by Tom Hothem of the Merritt Writing Program. The goal of the project is to establish a greater sense of community among students and faculty by fostering the kinds of open inquiry characteristic of academic life.

The selection for each academic year is distributed to students during summer orientations, along with a letter that describes the project and asks students to read the book before the school year begins. We hope you’ll consider discussing the book, or topics associated with it, in your courses or in conversation with students. Over the course of the academic year, such intellectual exchange will be supported by university and community-wide events, including faculty symposia, guest lectures, and film screenings. Your involvement in such events is very welcome, and indeed solicited, should you wish to participate.

If you would like to read the current selection, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Education in SSB 310.

If you would like to participate in the event-planning process, to propose a relevant film or speaker, to present research, and/or to participate in faculty symposia about the Common Read, please contact Tom Hothem at

We hope you’ll find ways to connect the common reading with your coursework, and we welcome your input on the project.