TRP is located at KL 122 (Bobcat Advising Center) behind the Lantern Cafe.
TRP Hours for Fall 2024
- Mondays 9:00 to 12:00
- Tuesdays 9:00 to 2:30
- Thursdays 9:00 to 2:30
Technology for Undergraduate Students: UC Merced students should have a personal computer or laptop for their academic coursework.
The Technology Resources Program (TRP) provides temporary, short-term, emergency laptop loans for those students who are eligible.
Please Note: This program lends technology to undergraduate students only. Technology is not available for graduate students, TAs, or faculty.
Campus Wide Laptop Policy
Beginning Fall 2023, all first year and transfer students are required to have a personal laptop.
- Laptops must meet university designated minimum specifications.
- For specifications, see Student Laptop Purchase Recommendations
- Instructors can require students to use a laptop during class.
Note: Students in the cohorts below may only borrow a laptop for a short-term while awaiting delivery of a purchased laptop or emergency repair (with documentation provided). Please see below for additional technology options.
- All students who enter UC Merced for Fall 2023 and after are subject to the new campus wide laptop policy.
- All students, regardless of entry term declared in the School of Engineering are subject to the SOE Laptop policy.
How to Apply
- Application: Use this link via ServiceNow.
- Please allow up to 72-hours for processing.
- First-year and engineering students, will need to show proof that they are waiting for a laptop to get delivered or fixed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email at
Pick-up and Returns
- Loans are limited to one month.
- If the equipment is not returned by the due date, the student will be billed for the full replacement cost of the equipment. This cost will be charged to the students' account, and failure to pay the bill may result in the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Appointment Calendar
- Once you have recieved notice that your application is approved, schedule an appointment to pick up or return a device at our office using the following link:
Additional Options for Technology Support
UC Merced students are strongly encouraged to have a laptop computer by the second week of the fall semester. Recommended minimum laptop specifications can be found at: (Note: Chromebooks and Android tablets are not recommended.)
Students seeking support for technology should review these additional campus resources:
- Financial Aid to discuss budgeting or a potential cost of attendance appeal . By completing this appeal, you may qualify for loan funds to assist with purchasing your laptop.
- Open Access computer labs:
- University Store:
The information on this page was last updated: Sept. 2024